Category: <span>LaunchNews</span>

Amazon GuardDuty Now Supports Amazon EKS Runtime Monitoring

Since Amazon GuardDuty launched in 2017, GuardDuty has been capable of analyzing tens of billions of events per minute across multiple AWS data sources, such as AWS CloudTrail event logs, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs, and DNS query logs, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data plane events, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) audit logs, and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) login events to protect your AWS accounts and resources.

In 2020, GuardDuty added Amazon S3 protection to continuously monitor and profile S3 data access events and configurations to detect suspicious activities in Amazon S3. Last year, GuardDuty launched Amazon EKS protection to monitor control plane activity by analyzing Kubernetes audit logs from existing and new EKS clusters in your accounts, Amazon EBS malware protection to scan malicious files residing on an EC2 instance or container workload using EBS volumes, and Amazon RDS protection to identify potential threats to data stored in Amazon Aurora databases—recently generally available.

GuardDuty combines machine learning (ML), anomaly detection, network monitoring, and malicious file discovery using various AWS data sources. When threats are detected, GuardDuty automatically sends security findings to AWS Security Hub, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Detective. These integrations help centralize monitoring for AWS and partner services, automate responses to malware findings, and perform security investigations from GuardDuty.

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring to detect runtime threats from over 30 security findings to protect your EKS clusters. The new EKS Runtime Monitoring uses a fully managed EKS add-on that adds visibility into individual container runtime activities, such as file access, process execution, and network connections.

GuardDuty can now identify specific containers within your EKS clusters that are potentially compromised and detect attempts to escalate privileges from an individual container to the underlying Amazon EC2 host and the broader AWS environment. GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring findings provide metadata context to identify potential threats and contain them before they escalate.

Configure EKS Runtime Monitoring in GuardDuty
To get started, first enable EKS Runtime Monitoring with just a few clicks in the GuardDuty console.

Once you enable EKS Runtime Monitoring, GuardDuty can start monitoring and analyzing the runtime-activity events for all the existing and new EKS clusters for your accounts. If you want GuardDuty to deploy and update the required EKS-managed add-on for all the existing and new EKS clusters in your account, choose Manage agent automatically. This will also create a VPC endpoint through which the security agent delivers the runtime events to GuardDuty.

If you configure EKS Audit Log Monitoring and runtime monitoring together, you can achieve optimal EKS protection both at the cluster control plane level, and down to the individual pod or container operating system level. When used together, threat detection will be more contextual to allow quick prioritization and response. For example, a runtime-based detection on a pod exhibiting suspicious behavior can be augmented by an audit log-based detection, indicating the pod was unusually launched with elevated privileges.

These options are default, but they are configurable, and you can uncheck one of the boxes in order to disable EKS Runtime Monitoring. When you disable EKS Runtime Monitoring, GuardDuty immediately stops monitoring and analyzing the runtime-activity events for all the existing EKS clusters. If you had configured automated agent management through GuardDuty, this action also removes the security agent that GuardDuty had deployed.

To learn more, see Configuring EKS Runtime Monitoring in the AWS documentation.

Manage GuardDuty Agent Manually
If you want to manually deploy and update the EKS managed add-on, including the GuardDuty agent, per cluster in your account, uncheck Manage agent automatically in the EKS protection configuration.

When managing the add-on manually, you are also responsible for creating the VPC endpoint through which the security agent delivers the runtime events to GuardDuty. In the VPC endpoint console, choose Create endpoint. In the step, choose Other endpoint services for Service category, enter for Service name in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, and choose Verify service.

After the service name is successfully verified, choose VPC and subnets where your EKS cluster resides. Under Additional settings, choose Enable DNS name. Under Security groups, choose a security group that has the in-bound port 443 enabled from your VPC (or your EKS cluster).

Add the following policy to restrict VPC endpoint usage to the specified account only:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Action": "*",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": "*"
			"Condition": {
				"StringNotEquals": {
					"aws:PrincipalAccount": "123456789012"
			"Action": "*",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Effect": "Deny",
			"Principal": "*"

Now, you can install the Amazon GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring add-on for your EKS clusters. Select this add-on in the Add-ons tab in your EKS cluster profile on the Amazon EKS console.

When you enable EKS Runtime Monitoring in GuardDuty and deploy the Amazon EKS add-on for your EKS cluster, you can view the new pods with the prefix aws-guardduty-agent. GuardDuty now starts to consume runtime-activity events from all EC2 hosts and containers in the cluster. GuardDuty then analyzes these events for potential threats.

These pods collect various event types and send them to the GuardDuty backend for threat detection and analysis. When managing the add-on manually, you need to go through these steps for each EKS cluster that you want to monitor, including new EKS clusters.

To learn more, see Managing GuardDuty agent manually in the AWS documentation.

Checkout EKS Runtime Security Findings
When GuardDuty detects a potential threat and generates a security finding, you can view the details of the corresponding findings. These security findings indicate either a compromised EC2 instance, container workload, an EKS cluster, or a set of compromised credentials in your AWS environment.

If you want to generate EKS Runtime Monitoring sample findings for testing purposes, see Generating sample findings in GuardDuty in the AWS documentation. Here is an example of potential security issues: a newly created or recently modified binary file in an EKS cluster has been executed.

The ResourceType for an EKS Protection finding type could be an Instance, EKSCluster, or Container. If the Resource type in the finding details is EKSCluster, it indicates that either a pod or a container inside an EKS cluster is potentially compromised. Depending on the potentially compromised resource type, the finding details may contain Kubernetes workload details, EKS cluster details, or instance details.

The Runtime details such as process details and any required context describe information about the observed process, and the runtime context describes any additional information about the potentially suspicious activity.

To remediate a compromised pod or container image, see Remediating EKS Runtime Monitoring findings in the AWS documentation. This document describes the recommended remediation steps for each resource type. To learn more about security finding types, see GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring finding types in the AWS documentation.

Now Available
You can now use Amazon GuardDuty for EKS Runtime Monitoring. For a full list of Regions where EKS Runtime Monitoring is available, visit region-specific feature availability.

The first 30 days of GuardDuty for EKS Runtime Monitoring are available at no additional charge for existing GuardDuty accounts. If you enabled GuardDuty for the first time, EKS Runtime Monitoring is not enabled by default, and needs to be enabled as described above. After the trial period ends in the GuardDuty, you can see the estimated cost of EKS Runtime Monitoring. To learn more, see the GuardDuty pricing page.

For more information, see the Amazon GuardDuty User Guide and send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon GuardDuty or through your usual AWS support contacts.


AWS Chatbot Now Integrates With Microsoft Teams

I am pleased to announce that, starting today, you can use AWS Chatbot to troubleshoot and operate your AWS resources from Microsoft Teams.

Communicating and collaborating on IT operation tasks through chat channels is known as ChatOps. It allows you to centralize the management of infrastructure and applications, as well as to automate and streamline your workflows. It helps to provide a more interactive and collaborative experience, as you can communicate and work with your colleagues in real time through a familiar chat interface to get the job done.

We launched AWS Chatbot in 2020 with Amazon Chime and Slack integrations. Since then, the landscape of chat platforms has evolved rapidly, and many of you are now using Microsoft Teams.

AWS Chatbot Benefits
When using AWS Chatbot for Microsoft Teams or other chat platforms, you receive notifications from AWS services directly in your chat channels, and you can take action on your infrastructure by typing commands without having to switch to another tool.

Typically you want to receive alerts about your system health, your budget, any new security threat or risk, or the status of your CI/CD pipelines. Sending a message to the chat channel is as simple as sending a message on an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. Thanks to the native integration between Amazon CloudWatch alarms and SNS, alarms are automatically delivered to your chat channels with no additional configuration step required. Similarly, thanks to the integration between Amazon EventBridge and SNS, any system or service that emits events to EventBridge can send information to your chat channels.

But ChatOps is more than the ability to spot problems as they arise. AWS Chatbot allows you to receive predefined CloudWatch dashboards interactively and retrieve Logs Insights logs to troubleshoot issues directly from the chat thread. You can also directly type in the chat channel most AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands to retrieve additional telemetry data or resource information or to run runbooks to remediate the issues.

Typing and remembering long commands is difficult. With AWS Chatbot, you can define your own aliases to reference frequently used commands and their parameters. It reduces the number of steps to complete a task. Aliases are flexible and can contain one or more custom parameters injected at the time of the query.

And because chat channels are designed for conversation, you can also ask questions in natural language and have AWS Chatbot answer you with relevant extracts from the AWS documentation or support articles. Natural language understanding also allows you to make queries such as “show me my ec2 instances in eu-west-3.”

Let’s Configure the Integration Between AWS Chatbot and Microsoft Teams
Getting started is a two-step process. First, I configure my team in Microsoft Teams. As a Teams administrator, I add the AWS Chatbot application to the team, and I take note of the URL of the channel I want to use for receiving notifications and operating AWS resources from Microsoft Teams channels.

Second, I register Microsoft Teams channels in AWS Chatbot. I also assign IAM permissions on what channel members can do in this channel and associate SNS topics to receive notifications. I may configure AWS Chatbot with the AWS Management Console, an AWS CloudFormation template, or the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). For this demo, I choose to use the console.

I open the Management Console and navigate to the AWS Chatbot section. On the top right side of the screen, in the Configure a chat client box, I select Microsoft Teams and then Configure client.

I enter the Microsoft Teams channel URL I noted in the Teams app.

Add the team channel URL to ChatbotAt this stage, Chatbot redirects my browser to Microsoft Teams for authentication. If I am already authenticated, I will be redirected back to the AWS console immediately. Otherwise, I enter my Microsoft Teams credentials and one-time password and wait to be redirected.

At this stage, my Microsoft Teams team is registered with AWS Chatbot and ready to add Microsoft Teams channels. I select Configure new channel.

Chabot is now linked to your Microsoft Teams There are four sections to enter the details of the configuration. In the first section, I enter a Configuration name for my channel. Optionally, I also define the Logging details. In the second section, I paste—again—the Microsoft Teams Channel URL.

Configure chatbot section one and two

In the third section, I configure the Permissions. I can choose between the same set of permissions for all Microsoft Teams users in my team, or I can set User-level roles permission to enable user-specific permissions in the channel. In this demo, I select Channel role, and I assign an IAM role to the channel. The role defines the permissions shared by all users in the channel. For example, I can assign a role that allows users to access configuration data from Amazon EC2 but not from Amazon S3. Under Channel role, I select Use an existing IAM role. Under Existing role, I select a role I created for my 2019 re:Invent talk about ChatOps: chatbot-demo. This role gives read-only access to all AWS services, but I could also assign other roles that would allow Chatbot users to take actions on their AWS resources.

To mitigate the risk that another person in your team accidentally grants more than the necessary privileges to the channel or user-level roles, you might also include Channel guardrail policies. These are the maximum permissions your users might have when using the channel. At runtime, the actual permissions are the intersection of the channel or user-level policies and the guardrail policies. Guardrail policies act like a boundary that channel users will never escape. The concept is similar to permission boundaries for IAM entities or service control policies (SCP) for AWS Organizations. In this example, I attach the ReadOnlyAccess managed policy.

Configure chatbot section three

The fourth and last section allows you to specify the SNS topic that will be the source for notifications sent to your team’s channel. Your applications or AWS services, such as CloudWatch alarms, can send messages to this topic, and AWS Chatbot will relay all messages to the configured Microsoft Teams channel. Thanks to the integration between Amazon EventBridge and SNS, any application able to send a message to EventBridge is able to send a message to Microsoft Teams.

For this demo, I select an existing SNS topic: alarmme in the us-east-1 Region. You can configure multiple SNS topics to receive alarms from various Regions. I then select Configure.

Configure chatbot section fourLet’s Test the Integration
That’s it. Now I am ready to test my setup.

On the AWS Chatbot configuration page, I first select the Send test message. I also have an alarm defined when my estimated billing goes over $500. On the CloudWatch section of the Management Console, I configure the alarm to post a message on the SNS topic shared with Microsoft Teams.

Within seconds, I receive the test message and the alarm message on the Microsoft Teams channel.

AWS Chatbot with Microsoft Teams, first messages received on the channel

Then I type a command to understand where the billing alarm comes from. I want to understand how many EC2 instances are running.

On the chat client channel, I type @aws to select Chatbot as the destination, then the rest of the CLI command, as I would do in a terminal: ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1 --filters "Name=architecture,Values=arm64_mac" --query "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId"

Chatbot answers within seconds.

AWS chatbot describe instances

I can create aliases for commands I frequently use. Aliases may have placeholder parameters that I can give at runtime, such as the Region name for example.

I create an alias to get the list of my macOS instance IDs with the command: aws alias create mac ec2 describe-instances --region $region --filters "Name=architecture,Values=arm64_mac" --query "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId"

Now, I can type @aws alias run mac us-east-1 as a shortcut to get the same result as above. I can also manage my aliases with the @aws alias list, @aws alias get, and @aws alias delete commands.

I don’t know about you, but for me it is hard to remember commands. When I use the terminal, I rely on auto-complete to remind me of various commands and their options. AWS Chatbot offers similar command completion and guides me to collect missing parameters.

AWS Chatbot command completion

When using AWS Chatbot, I can also ask questions using natural English language. It can help to find answers from the AWS docs and from support articles by typing questions such as @aws how can I tag my EC2 instances? or @aws how do I configure Lambda concurrency setting?

It can also find resources in my account when AWS Resource Explorer is activated. For example, I asked the bot: @aws what are the tags for my ec2 resources? and @aws what Regions do I have Lambda service?

And I received these responses.

AWS Chatbot NLP Response 1AWS Chatbot NLP Response 2Thanks to AWS Chatbot, I realized that I had a rogue Lambda function left in ca-central-1. I used the AWS console to delete it.

Available Now
You can start to use AWS Chatbot with Microsoft Teams today. AWS Chatbot for Microsoft Teams is available to download from Microsoft Teams app at no additional cost. AWS Chatbot is available in all public AWS Regions, at no additional charge. You pay for the underlying resources that you use. You might incur charges from your chat client.

Get started today and configure your first integration with Microsoft Teams.

— seb

Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support

I am excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). AWS has provided you with a cloud-optimized Linux distribution since 2010. This is the third generation of our Amazon Linux distributions.

Every generation of Amazon Linux distribution is secured, optimized for the cloud, and receives long-term AWS support. We built Amazon Linux 2023 on these principles, and we go even further. Deploying your workloads on Amazon Linux 2023 gives you three major benefits: a high-security standard, a predictable lifecycle, and a consistent update experience.

Let’s look at security first. Amazon Linux 2023 includes preconfigured security policies that make it easy for you to implement common industry guidelines. You can configure these policies at launch time or run time.

For example, you can configure the system crypto policy to enforce system-wide usage of a specific set of cipher suites, TLS versions, or acceptable parameters in certificates and key exchanges. Also, the Linux kernel has many hardening features enabled by default.

Amazon Linux 2023 makes it easier to plan and manage the operating system lifecycle. New Amazon Linux major versions will be available every two years. Major releases include new features and improvements in security and performance across the stack. The improvements might include major changes to the kernel, toolchain, GLib C, OpenSSL, and any other system libraries and utilities.

During those two years, a major release will receive an update every three months. These updates include security updates, bug fixes, and new features and packages. Each minor version is a cumulative list of updates that includes security and bug fixes in addition to new features and packages. These releases might include the latest language runtimes such as Python or Java. They might also include other popular software packages such as Ansible and Docker. In addition to these quarterly updates, security updates will be provided as soon as they are available.

Each major version, including 2023, will come with five years of long-term support. After the initial two-year period, each major version enters a three-year maintenance period. During the maintenance period, it will continue to receive security bug fixes and patches as soon as they are available. This support commitment gives you the stability you need to manage long project lifecycles.

The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of Amazon Linux distributions:

Last—and this policy is by far my favorite—Amazon Linux provides you with deterministic updates through versioned repositories, a flexible and consistent update mechanism. The distribution locks to a specific version of the Amazon Linux package repository, giving you control over how and when you absorb updates. By default, and in contrast with Amazon Linux 2, a dnf update command will not update your installed packages (dnf is the successor to yum). This helps to ensure that you are using the same package versions across your fleet. All Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances launched from an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) will have the same version of packages. Deterministic updates also promote usage of immutable infrastructure, where no infrastructure is updated after deployment. When an update is required, you update your infrastructure as code scripts and redeploy a new infrastructure. Of course, if you really want to update your distribution in place, you can point dnf to an updated package repository and update your machine as you do today. But did I tell you this is not a good practice for production workloads? I’ll share more technical details later in this blog post.

How to Get Started
Getting started with Amazon Linux 2023 is no different than with other Linux distributions. You can use the EC2 run-instances API, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the AWS Management Console, and one of the four Amazon Linux 2023 AMIs that we provide. We support two machine architectures (x86_64 and Arm) and two sizes (standard and minimal). Minimal AMIs contain the most basic tools and utilities to start the OS. The standard version comes with the most commonly used applications and tools installed.

To retrieve the latest AMI ID for a specific Region, you can use AWS Systems Manager get-parameter API and query the /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/<alias> parameter.

Be sure to replace <alias> with one of the four aliases available:

  • For arm64 architecture (standard AMI): al2023-ami-kernel-default-arm64
  • For arm64 architecture (minimal AMI): al2023-ami-minimal-kernel-default-arm64
  • For x86_64 architecture (standard AMI): al2023-ami-kernel-default-x86_64
  • For x86_64 architecture (minimal AMI): al2023-ami-minimal-kernel-default-x86_64

For example, to search for the latest Arm64 full distribution AMI ID, I open a terminal and enter:

~ aws ssm get-parameters --region us-east-2 --names /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/al2023-ami-kernel-default-arm64
    "Parameters": [
            "Name": "/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/al2023-ami-kernel-default-arm64",
            "Type": "String",
            "Value": "ami-02f9b41a7af31dded",
            "Version": 1,
            "LastModifiedDate": "2023-02-24T22:54:56.940000+01:00",
            "ARN": "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2::parameter/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/al2023-ami-kernel-default-arm64",
            "DataType": "text"
    "InvalidParameters": []

To launch an instance, I use the run-instances API. Notice how I use Systems Manager resolution to dynamically lookup the AMI ID from the CLI.

➜ aws ec2 run-instances                                                                            
       --image-id resolve:ssm:/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/al2023-ami-kernel-default-arm64  
       --key-name my_ssh_key_name                                                                   
       --instance-type c6g.medium                                                                   
       --region us-east-2 
    "Groups": [],
    "Instances": [
          "AmiLaunchIndex": 0,
          "ImageId": "ami-02f9b41a7af31dded",
          "InstanceId": "i-0740fe8e23f903bd2",
          "InstanceType": "c6g.medium",
          "KeyName": "my_ssh_key_name",
          "LaunchTime": "2023-02-28T14:12:34+00:00",

...(redacted for brevity)

When the instance is launched, and if the associated security group allows SSH (TCP 22) connections, I can connect to the machine:

~ ssh [email protected]
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
   ,     #_
   ~_  ####_        Amazon Linux 2023
  ~~  _#####       Preview
  ~~     ###|
  ~~       #/ ___
   ~~       V~' '->
    ~~~         /
      ~~._.   _/
         _/ _/
Last login: Tue Feb 28 14:14:44 2023 from
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-9-76 ~]$ uname -a
Linux 6.1.12-19.43.amzn2023.aarch64 #1 SMP Thu Feb 23 23:37:18 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

We also distribute Amazon Linux 2023 as Docker images. The Amazon Linux 2023 container image is built from the same software components that are included in the Amazon Linux 2023 AMI. The container image is available for use in any environment as a base image for Docker workloads. If you’re using Amazon Linux for applications in EC2, you can containerize your applications with the Amazon Linux container image.

These images are available from Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) and from Docker Hub. Here is a quick demo to start a Docker container using Amazon Linux 2023 from Elastic Container Registry.

$ aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Login Succeeded
~ docker run --rm -it /bin/bash
Unable to find image '' locally
2023: Pulling from amazonlinux/amazonlinux
b4265814d5cf: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:bbd7a578cff9d2aeaaedf75eb66d99176311b8e3930c0430a22e0a2d6c47d823
Status: Downloaded newer image for
bash-5.2# uname -a 
Linux 9d5b45e9f895 5.15.49-linuxkit #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 13 07:51:32 UTC 2022 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
bash-5.2# exit 

When pulling from Docker Hub, you can use this command to pull the image: docker pull amazonlinux:2023.

What Are the Main Differences Compared to Amazon Linux 2?
Amazon Linux 2023 has some differences compared to Amazon Linux 2. The documentation explains these differences in detail. The two differences I would like to focus on are dnf and the package management policies.

AL2023 comes with Fedora’s dnf, the successor to yum. But don’t worry, dnf provides similar commands as yum to search, install, or remove packages. Where you used to run the commands yum list or yum install httpd, you may now run dnf list or dnf install httpd. For convenience, we create a symlink for /usr/bin/yum, so you can run your scripts unmodified.

$ which yum
$ ls -al /usr/bin/yum
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 5 Jun 19 18:06 /usr/bin/yum -> dnf-3

The biggest difference, in my opinion, is the deterministic updates through versioned repositories. By default, the software repository is locked to the AMI version. This means that a dnf update command will not return any new packages to install. Versioned repositories give you the assurance that all machines started from the same AMI ID are identical. Your infrastructure will not deviate from the baseline.

$ sudo dnf update 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:14:10 ago on Tue Feb 28 14:12:50 2023.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

Yes, but what if you want to update a machine? You have two options to update an existing machine. The cleanest one for your production environment is to create duplicate infrastructure based on new AMIs. As I mentioned earlier, we publish updates for every security fix and a consolidated update every three months for two years after the initial release. Each update is provided as a set of AMIs and their corresponding software repository.

For smaller infrastructure, such as test or development machines, you might choose to update the operating system or individual packages in place as well. This is a three-step process:

  • first, list the available updated software repositories;
  • second, point dnf to a specific software repository;
  • and third, update your packages.

To show you how it works, I purposely launched an EC2 instance with an “old” version of Amazon Linux 2023 from February 2023. I first run dnf check-release-update to list the available updated software repositories.

$ dnf check-release-update
  A newer release of "Amazon Linux" is available.

  Available Versions:

  Version 2023.0.20230308:
    Run the following command to upgrade to 2023.0.20230308:

      dnf upgrade --releasever=2023.0.20230308

    Release notes:

Then, I might either update the full distribution using dnf upgrade --releasever=2023.0.20230308 or point dnf to the updated repository to select individual packages.

$ dnf check-update --releasever=2023.0.20230308

Amazon Linux 2023 repository                                                    28 MB/s |  11 MB     00:00
Amazon Linux 2023 Kernel Livepatch repository                                  1.2 kB/s | 243  B     00:00

amazon-linux-repo-s3.noarch                          2023.0.20230308-0.amzn2023                amazonlinux
binutils.aarch64                                     2.39-6.amzn2023.0.5                       amazonlinux
ca-certificates.noarch                               2023.2.60-1.0.amzn2023.0.1                amazonlinux
(redacted for brevity)
util-linux-core.aarch64 2.37.4-1.amzn2022.0.1 amazonlinux

Finally, I might run a dnf update <package_name> command to update a specific package.

This might look like overkill for a simple machine, but when managing enterprise infrastructure or large-scale fleets of instances, this facilitates the management of your fleet by ensuring that all instances run the same version of software packages. It also means that the AMI ID is now something that you can fully run through your CI/CD pipelines for deployment and that you have a way to roll AMI versions forward and backward according to your schedule.

Where is Fedora?
When looking for a base to serve as a starting point for Amazon Linux 2023, Fedora was the best choice. We found that Fedora’s core tenets (Freedom, Friends, Features, First) resonate well with our vision for Amazon Linux. However, Amazon Linux focuses on a long-term, stable OS for the cloud, which is a notable different release cycle and lifecycle than Fedora. Amazon Linux 2023 provides updated versions of open-source software, a larger variety of packages, and frequent releases.

Amazon Linux 2023 isn’t directly comparable to any specific Fedora release. The Amazon Linux 2023 GA version includes components from Fedora 34, 35, and 36. Some of the components are the same as the components in Fedora, and some are modified. Other components more closely resemble the components in CentOS Stream 9 or were developed independently. The Amazon Linux kernel, on its side, is sourced from the long-term support options that are on, chosen independently from the kernel provided by Fedora.

Like every good citizen in the open-source community, we give back and contribute our changes to upstream distributions and sources for the benefit of the entire community. Amazon Linux 2023 itself is open source. The source code for all RPM packages that are used to build the binaries that we ship are available through the SRPM yum repository (sudo dnf install -y 'dnf-command(download)' && dnf download --source bash)

One More Thing: Amazon EBS Gp3 Volumes
Amazon Linux 2023 AMIs use gp3 volumes by default.

Gp3 is the latest generation general-purpose solid-state drive (SSD) volume for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). Gp3 provides 20 percent lower storage costs compared to gp2. Gp3 volumes deliver a baseline performance of 3,000 IOPS and 125MB/s at any volume size. What I particularly like about gp3 volumes is that I can now provision performance independently of capacity. When using gp3 volumes, I can now increase IOPS and throughput without incurring charges for extra capacity that I don’t actually need.

With the availability of gp3-backed AL2023 AMIs, this is the first time a gp3-backed Amazon Linux AMI is available. Gp3-backed AMIs have been a common customer request since gp3 was launched in 2020. It is now available by default.

Price and Availability
Amazon Linux 2023 is provided at no additional charge. Standard Amazon EC2 and AWS charges apply for running EC2 instances and other services. This distribution includes full support for five years. When deploying on AWS, our support engineers will provide technical support according to the terms and conditions of your AWS Support plan. AMIs are available in all AWS Regions.

Amazon Linux is the most used Linux distribution on AWS, with hundreds of thousands of customers using Amazon Linux 2. Dozens of Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and hardware partners are supporting Amazon Linux 2023 today. You can adopt this new version with the confidence that the partner tools you rely on are likely to be supported. We are excited about this release, which brings you an even higher level of security, a predictable release lifecycle, and a consistent update experience.

Now go build and deploy your workload on Amazon Linux 2023 today.

— seb

Meet the Newest AWS Heroes – March 2023

The AWS Heroes are passionate AWS experts who are dedicated to sharing their in-depth knowledge within the community. They inspire, uplift, and motivate the global AWS community, and today, we’re excited to announce and recognize the newest Heroes in 2023!

Aidan Steele – Melbourne, Australia

Serverless Hero Aidan Steele is a Senior Engineer at Nightvision. He is an avid AWS user, and has been using the first platform and EC2 since 2008. Fifteen years later, EC2 still has a special place in his heart, but his interests are in containers and serverless functions, and blurring the distinction between them wherever possible. He enjoys finding novel uses for AWS services, especially when they have a security or network focus. This is best demonstrated through his open source contributions on GitHub, where he shares interesting use cases via hands-on projects.

Ananda Dwi Rahmawati – Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Container Hero Ananda Dwi Rahmawati is a Sr. Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, specializing in system integration between cloud infrastructure, CI/CD workflows, and application modernization. She implements solutions using powerful services provided by AWS, such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), combined with open source tools to achieve the goal of creating reliable, highly available, and scalable systems. She is a regular technical speaker who delivers presentations using real-world case studies at several local community meetups and conferences, such as Kubernetes and OpenInfra Days Indonesia, AWS Community Day Indonesia, AWS Summit ASEAN, and many more.

Wendy Wong – Sydney, Australia

Data Hero Wendy Wong is a Business Performance Analyst at Service NSW, building data pipelines with AWS Analytics and agile projects in AI. As a teacher at heart, she enjoys sharing her passion as a Data Analytics Lead Instructor for General Assembly Sydney, writing technical blogs on She is both an active speaker for AWS analytics and an advocate of diversity and inclusion, presenting at a number of events: AWS User Group Malaysia, Women Who Code, AWS Summit Australia 2022, AWS BuildHers, AWS Innovate Modern Applications, and many more.

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New – Bring ML Models Built Anywhere into Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Generate Predictions

Amazon SageMaker Canvas provides business analysts with a visual interface to solve business problems using machine learning (ML) without writing a single line of code. Since we introduced SageMaker Canvas in 2021, many users have asked us for an enhanced, seamless collaboration experience that enables data scientists to share trained models with their business analysts with a few simple clicks.

Today, I’m excited to announce that you can now bring ML models built anywhere into SageMaker Canvas and generate predictions.

New – Bring Your Own Model into SageMaker Canvas
As a data scientist or ML practitioner, you can now seamlessly share models built anywhere, within or outside Amazon SageMaker, with your business teams. This removes the heavy lifting for your engineering teams to build a separate tool or user interface to share ML models and collaborate between the different parts of your organization. As a business analyst, you can now leverage ML models shared by your data scientists within minutes to generate predictions.

Let me show you how this works in practice!

In this example, I share an ML model that has been trained to identify customers that are potentially at risk of churning with my marketing analyst. First, I register the model in the SageMaker model registry. SageMaker model registry lets you catalog models and manage model versions. I create a model group called 2022-customer-churn-model-group and then select Create model version to register my model.

Amazon SageMaker Model Registry

To register your model, provide the location of the inference image in Amazon ECR, as well as the location of your model.tar.gz file in Amazon S3. You can also add model endpoint recommendations and additional model information. Once you’ve registered your model, select the model version and select Share.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Share models from model registry with SageMaker Canvas users

You can now choose the SageMaker Canvas user profile(s) within the same SageMaker domain you want to share your model with. Then, provide additional model details, such as information about training and validation datasets, the ML problem type, and model output information. You can also add a note for the SageMaker Canvas users you share the model with.

Amazon SageMaker Studio - Share a model from Model Registry with SageMaker Canvas users

Similarly, you can now also share models trained in SageMaker Autopilot and models available in SageMaker JumpStart with SageMaker Canvas users.

The business analysts will receive an in-app notification in SageMaker Canvas that a model has been shared with them, along with any notes you added.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Received model from SageMaker Studio

My marketing analyst can now open, analyze, and start using the model to generate ML predictions in SageMaker Canvas.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Imported model from SageMaker Studio

Select Batch prediction to generate ML predictions for an entire dataset or Single prediction to create predictions for a single input. You can download the results in a .csv file.

Amazon SageMaker Canvas - Generate Predictions

New – Improved Model Sharing and Collaboration from SageMaker Canvas with SageMaker Studio Users
We also improved the sharing and collaboration capabilities from SageMaker Canvas with data science and ML teams. As a business analyst, you can now select which SageMaker Studio user profile(s) you want to share your standard-build models with.

Your data scientists or ML practitioners will receive a similar in-app notification in SageMaker Studio once a model has been shared with them, along with any notes from you. In addition to just reviewing the model, SageMaker Studio users can now also, if needed, update the data transformations in SageMaker Data Wrangler, retrain the model in SageMaker Autopilot, and share back the updated model. SageMaker Studio users can also recommend an alternate model from the list of models in SageMaker Autopilot.

Once SageMaker Studio users share back a model, you receive another notification in SageMaker Canvas that an updated model has been shared back with you. This collaboration between business analysts and data scientists will help democratize ML across organizations by bringing transparency to automated decisions, building trust, and accelerating ML deployments.

Now Available
The enhanced, seamless collaboration capabilities for Amazon SageMaker Canvas, including the ability to bring your ML models built anywhere, are available today in all AWS Regions where SageMaker Canvas is available with no changes to the existing SageMaker Canvas pricing.

Start collaborating and bring your ML model to Amazon SageMaker Canvas today!

— Antje

Introducing Amazon GameLift Anywhere – Run Your Game Servers on Your Own Infrastructure

In 2016, we launched Amazon GameLift, a dedicated hosting solution that securely deploys and automatically scales fleets of session-based multiplayer game servers to meet worldwide player demand.

With Amazon GameLift, you can create and upload a game server build once, replicate, and then deploy across multiple AWS Regions and AWS Local Zones to reach your players with low-latency experiences across the world. GameLift also includes standalone features for low-cost game fleets with GameLift FleetIQ and player matchmaking with GameLift FlexMatch.

Game developers asked us to reduce the wait time to deploy a candidate server build to the cloud each time they needed to test and iterate their game during the development phase. In addition, our customers told us that they often have ongoing bare-metal contracts or on-premises game servers and want the flexibility to use their existing infrastructure with cloud servers.

Today we are announcing the general availability of Amazon GameLift Anywhere, which decouples game session management from the underlying compute resources. With this new release, you can now register and deploy any hardware, including your own local workstations, under a logical construct called an Anywhere Fleet.

Because your local hardware can now be a GameLift-managed server, you can iterate on the server build in your familiar local desktop environment, and any server error can materialize in seconds. You can also set breakpoints in your environment’s debugger, thereby eliminating trial and error and further speeding up the iteration process.

Here are the major benefits for game developers to use GameLift Anywhere.

  • Faster game development – Instantly test and iterate on your local workstation while still leveraging GameLift FlexMatch and Queue services.
  • Hybrid server management – Deploy, operate, and scale dedicated game servers hosted in the cloud or on-premises, all from a single location.
  • Streamline server operations – Reduce cost and operational complexity by unifying server infrastructure under a single game server orchestration layer.

During the beta period of GameLift Anywhere, lots of customers gave feedback. For example, Nitro Games has been an Amazon GameLift customer since 2020 and have used the service for player matchmaking and managing dedicated game servers in the cloud. Daniel Liljeqvist, Senior DevOps Engineer at Nitro Games said “With GameLift Anywhere we can easily debug a game server on our local machine, saving us time and making the feedback loop much shorter when we are developing new games and features.”

GameLift Anywhere resources such as locations, fleets, and compute are managed through the same highly secure AWS API endpoints as all AWS services. This also applies to generating the authentication tokens for game server processes that are only valid for a limited amount of time for additional security. You can leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) roles and policies to fully manage access to all the GameLift Anywhere endpoints.

Getting Started with GameLift Anywhere
Before creating your GameLift fleet in your local hardware, you can create custom locations to run your game builds or scripts. Choose Locations in the left navigation pane of the GameLift console and select Create location.

You can create a custom location of your hardware that you can use with your GameLift Anywhere fleet to test your games.

Choose Fleets from the left navigation pane, then choose Create fleet to add your GameLift Anywhere fleet in the desired location.

Choose Anywhere on the Choose compute type step.

Define your fleet details, such as a fleet name and optional items. For more information on settings, see Create a new GameLift fleet in the AWS documentation.

On the Select locations step, select the custom location that you created. The home AWS Region is automatically selected as the Region you are creating the fleet in. You can use the home Region to access and use your resources.

After completing the fleet creation steps to create your Anywhere fleet, you can see active fleets in both the managed EC2 instances and the Anywhere location. You also can integrate remote on-premises hardware by adding more GameLift Anywhere locations, so you can manage your game sessions from one place. To learn more, see Create a new GameLift fleet in the AWS documentation.

You can register your laptop as a compute resource in the fleet that you created. Use the fleet-id created in the previous step and add a compute-name and your laptop’s ip-address.

$ aws gamelift register-compute 
    --compute-name ChannyDevLaptop 
    --fleet-id fleet-12345678-abcdefghi 

Now, you can start a debug session of your game server by retrieving the authorization token for your laptop in the fleet that you created.

$ aws gamelift get-compute-auth-token 
    --fleet-id fleet-12345678-abcdefghi 
    --compute-name ChannyDevLaptop

To run a debug instance of your game server executable, your game server must call InitSDK(). After the process is ready to host a game session, the game server calls ProcessReady(). To learn more, see Integrating games with custom game servers and Testing your integration in the AWS documentation.

Now Available
Amazon GameLift Anywhere is available in all Regions where Amazon GameLift is available.  GameLift offers a step-by-step developer guide, API reference guide, and GameLift SDKs. You can also see for yourself how easy it is to test Amazon GameLift using our sample game to get started.

Give it a try, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon GameLift or through your usual AWS support contacts.


Announcing Amazon CodeCatalyst, a Unified Software Development Service (Preview)

Today, we announced the preview release of Amazon CodeCatalyst. A unified software development and delivery service, Amazon CodeCatalyst enables software development teams to quickly and easily plan, develop, collaborate on, build, and deliver applications on AWS, reducing friction throughout the development lifecycle.

In my time as a developer the biggest excitement—besides shipping software to users—was the start of a new project, or being invited to join a project. Both came with the anticipation of building something cool, cutting new code—seeing an idea come to life. However, starting out was sometimes a slow process. My team or I would need to update our local development environments—or entirely new machines—with tools, libraries, and programming frameworks. We had to create source code repositories and set up other shared tools such as Jira, Confluence, or Jenkins, configure build pipelines and other automation workflows, create test environments, and so on. Day-to-day maintenance of development and build environments consumed valuable team cycles and energy. Collaboration between the team took effort, too, because tools to share information and have a single source of truth were not available. Context switching between projects and dealing with conflicting dependencies in those projects, e.g., Python 3.6 for project X and Python 2.7 for project Y—especially when we had only a single machine to work on—further increased the burden.

It doesn’t seem to have gotten any better! These days, when talking to developers about their experiences, I often hear them express that they feel modern development has become even more complicated. This is due to having to select and configure a wider collection of modern frameworks and libraries, tools, cloud services, continuous integration and delivery pipelines, and many other choices that all need to work together to deliver the application experience. What was once manageable by one developer on one machine is now a sprawling, dynamic, complex net of decisions and tradeoffs, made even more challenging by the need to coordinate all this across dispersed teams.

Enter Amazon CodeCatalyst
I’ve spent some time talking with the team behind Amazon CodeCatalyst about their sources of inspiration and goals. Taking feedback from both new and experienced developers and service teams here at AWS, they examined the challenges typically experienced by teams and individual developers when building software for the cloud. Having gathered and reviewed this feedback, they set about creating a unified tool that smooths out the rough edges that needlessly slow down software delivery, and they added features to make it easier for teams to work together and collaborate. Features in Amazon CodeCatalyst to address these challenges include:

  • Blueprints that set up the project’s resources—not just scaffolding for new projects, but also the resources needed to support software delivery and deployment.
  • On-demand cloud-based Dev Environments, to make it easy to replicate consistent development environments for you or your teams.
  • Issue management, enabling tracing of changes across commits, pull requests, and deployments.
  • Automated build and release (CI/CD) pipelines using flexible, managed build infrastructure.
  • Dashboards to surface a feed of project activities such as commits, pull requests, and test reporting.
  • The ability to invite others to collaborate on a project with just an email.
  • Unified search, making it easy to find what you’re looking for across users, issues, code and other project resources.

There’s a lot in Amazon CodeCatalyst that I don’t have space to cover in this post, so I’m going to briefly cover some specific features, like blueprints, Dev Environments, and project collaboration. Other upcoming posts will cover additional features.

Project Blueprints
When I first heard about blueprints, they sounded like a feature to scaffold some initial code for a project. However, they’re much more! Parameterized application blueprints enable you to set up shared project resources to support the application development lifecycle and team collaboration in minutes—not just initial starter code for an application. The resources that a blueprint creates for a project include a source code repository, complete with initial sample code and AWS service configuration for popular application patterns, which follow AWS best practices by default. If you prefer, an external Git repository such as GitHub may be used instead. The blueprint can also add an issue tracker, but external trackers such as Jira can also be used. Then, the blueprint adds a build and release pipeline for CI/CD, which I’ll come to shortly, as well as other integrated tooling.

The project resources and integrated tools set up using blueprints, including the CI/CD pipeline and the AWS resources to host your application, make it so that you can press “deploy” and get sample code running in a few minutes, enabling you to jump right in and start working on your specific business logic.

Project blueprints when starting a new project

At launch, customers can choose from blueprints with Typescript, Python, Java, .NET, Javascript for languages and React, Angular, and Vue frameworks, with more to come. And you don’t need to start with a blueprint. You can build projects with workflows that run on anything that works with Linux and Windows operating systems.

Cloud-Based Dev Environments
Development teams can often run into a problem of “environment drift” where one team member has a slightly different version of a toolchain or library compared to everyone else or the test environments. This can introduce subtle bugs that might go unnoticed for some time. Dev Environment specifications, and the other shared resources, that blueprints create help ensure there’s no unnecessary variance, and everyone on the team gets the same setup to provide a consistent, repeatable experience between developers.

Amazon CodeCatalyst uses a devfile to define the configuration of an on-demand, cloud-based Dev Environment, which currently supports four resizable instance size options with 2, 4, 8, or 16 vCPUs. The devfile defines and configures all of the resources needed to code, test, and debug for a given project, minimizing the time the development team members need to spend on creating and maintaining their local development environments. Devfiles, which are added to the source code repository by the selected blueprint can also be modified if required. With Dev Environments, context switching between projects incurs less overhead—with one click, you can simply switch to a different environment, and you’re ready to start working. This means you’re easily able to work concurrently on multiple codebases without reconfiguring. Being on-demand, Dev Environments can also be paused, restarted, or deleted as needed.

Below is an example of a devfile that bootstraps a Dev Environment.

schemaVersion: 2.0.0
  name: aws-universal
  version: 1.0.1
  displayName: AWS Universal
  description: Stack with AWS Universal Tooling
    - aws
    - a12
  projectType: aws
  - id: npm_install
      component: aws-runtime
      commandLine: "npm install"
      workingDir: /projects/spa-app
    - npm_install
  - name: aws-runtime
      mountSources: true
        - name: docker-store
          path: /var/lib/docker
  - name: docker-store
      size: 16Gi

Developers working in cloud-based Dev Environments provisioned by Amazon CodeCatalyst can use AWS Cloud9 as their IDE. However, they can just as easily work with Amazon CodeCatalyst from other IDEs on their local machines, such as JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PyCharm Pro, GoLand, and Visual Studio Code. Developers can also create Dev Environments from within their IDE, such as Visual Studio Code or for JetBrains using the JetBrains Gateway app. Below, JetBrains IntelliJ is being used.

Editing an application source file in JetBrains IntelliJ

Build and Release Pipelines
The build and release pipeline created by the blueprint run on flexible, managed infrastructure. The pipelines can use on-demand compute or preprovisioned builds, including a choice of machine sizes, and you can bring your own container environments. You can incorporate build actions that are built in or provided by partners (e.g., Mend, which provides a software composition analysis build action), and you can also incorporate GitHub Actions to compose fully automated pipelines. Pipelines are configurable using either a visual editor or YAML files.

Build and release pipelines enable deployment to popular AWS services, including Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS Lambda, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Amazon CodeCatalyst makes it trivial to set up test and production environments and deploy using pipelines to one or many Regions or even multiple accounts for security.

Running automated workflow

Project Collaboration
As a unified software development service, Amazon CodeCatalyst not only makes it easier to get started building and delivering applications on AWS, it helps developers of all levels collaborate on projects through a single shared project space and source of truth. Developers can be invited to collaborate using just an email. On accepting the invitation, the developer sees the full project context and can begin work at once using the project’s Dev Environments—no need to spend time updating or reconfiguring their local machine with required tools, libraries, or other pre-requisites.

Existing members of an Amazon CodeCatalyst space, or new members using their email, can be invited to collaborate on a project:

Inviting new members to collaborate on a project

Each will receive an invitation email containing a link titled Accept Invitation, which when clicked, opens a browser tab to sign in. Once signed in, they can view all the projects in the Amazon CodeCatalyst space they’ve been invited to and can also quickly switch to other spaces in which they are the owner or to which they’ve been invited.

Projects I'm invited to collaborate on

From there, they can select a project and get an immediate overview of where things stand, for example, the status of recent workflows, any open pull requests, and available Dev Environments.

CodeCatalyst project summary

On the Issues board, team members can see which issues need to be worked on, select one, and get started.

Viewing issues

Being able to immediately see the context for the project, and have access to on-demand cloud-based Dev Environments, all help with being able to start contributing more quickly, eliminating setup delays.

Get Started with Amazon CodeCatalyst in the Free Tier Today!
Blueprints to scaffold not just application code but also shared project resources supporting the development and deployment of applications, issue tracking, invite-by-email collaboration, automated workflows, and more are all available today in the newly released preview of Amazon CodeCatalyst to help accelerate your cloud development and delivery efforts. Learn more in the Amazon CodeCatalyst User Guide. And, as I mentioned earlier, additional blogs posts and other supporting content are planned by the team to dive into the range of features in more detail, so be sure to look out for them!

AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights – Simplify Third-Party Software Risk Assessments

AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights is a new capability of AWS Marketplace. It simplifies third-party software risk assessments when procuring solutions from the AWS Marketplace.

It helps you to ensure that the third-party software continuously meets your industry standards by compiling security and compliance information, such as data privacy and residency, application security, and access control, in one consolidated dashboard.

As a security engineer, you may now complete third-party software risk assessment in a few days instead of months. You can now:

  • Quickly discover products in AWS Marketplace that meet your security and certification standards by searching for and accessing Vendor Insights profiles.
  • Access and download current and validated information, with evidence gathered from the vendors’ security tools and audit reports. Reports are available for download on AWS Artifact third-party reports (now available in preview).
  • Monitor your software’s security posture post-procurement and receive notifications for security and compliance events.

As a software vendor, you can now reduce the operational burden of responding to buyer requests for risk assessment information. It gives your customers a self-service access experience. You can now:

  • Build your product’s security profile by uploading your ISO 27001 or SOC2 Type 2 report and completing a software risk assessment with AWS Audit Manager.
  • Store and share your compliance reports such as ISO 27001 and SOC2 Type 2, using AWS Artifact third-party reports (preview).
  • View and approve your buyer requests for viewing security controls and compliance artifacts stored in Vendor Insights.

Let’s See It in Action
I want to procure a solution on the AWS Marketplace. But before purchasing the product, as a security engineer, I want to review its compliance. I navigate to the AWS Marketplace page of the AWS Management Console. I use the faceted search on the left side to select vendors that are ISO 27001 compliant.

AWS MArketplace vendor insights - faceted searchI select a product. On the Product Overview page, I select View assessment data on the top right side (not shown on the screenshot). Then, I can see the overview page, which shows the Security certification received and the Expiration date.

AWS MArketplace vendor insights - certification receivedI select the Security and compliance tab and see that I need to request access to see the detailed security and compliance information. I select the Request access button on the top right side to ask the vendor for access to their compliance documents.

AWS MArketplace vendor insights - request access part 1

On the next page, I fill in the Your information form with my details, and I select Request access.

AWS MArketplace vendor insights - request access part 2The Next Steps section details what will happen next. The seller will contact me to sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA). The seller will notify AWS Marketplace when the NDA is signed. Then, I will be granted access to Vendor Insights data.

The process can take a few days. For this demo, I switch to a fictional product—Everest—for which I have access to the compliance data. Here is the Security and compliance tab when my request for access is accepted.

The Summary section shows how many controls are available. It reports how many have been validated with evidence and how many have been self-reported by the seller. It also shows how many noncompliant controls are reported.

I can scroll down the page to see the details for multiple categories: Audit, compliance and security policy, Data security, Access management, Application security, Risk management and incident response, Business resiliency and continuity, End user device security, Infrastructure security, Human resources, and Security and configuration policy. The screenshot does not show all of them.

AWS Marketplace vendor insights - security and complianceI select the detail for Access control and see the list under Control name. For each of them, I can see the compliance for SOC2 Type 2, ISO 27001, and the Vendor self-assessment.

AWS Marketplace vendor insights - access controlI select the noncompliant one to get the details and the explanation the vendor provided.

AWS Marketplace vendor insights - non compliant details

If needed, I might also use AWS Artifact third-party reports (preview) to download the compliance reports.

For Software Vendors
As a software vendor, you can create a security profile for your SaaS products on AWS Marketplace and share this profile with your prospective and existing buyers. It helps you to reduce the manual work for engineering and security teams to respond to your customer questionnaires.

To create a security profile, you will need to complete a self-assessment using AWS Audit Manager on your marketplace management AWS account, share the current SOC2 Type II and ISO27001 compliance artifacts, if available, and turn on automated assessment using Audit Manager and AWS Config on your production AWS accounts.

Our team has created an AWS CloudFormation template to automate the onboarding steps. You can find the technical resources, such as the setup guide and the onboarding templates, on our GitHub repository. Once the profile is created, Vendor Insights will keep your security profile up to date by using automated evidence from Audit Manager and AWS Config. The updates to your profile are sent as notifications. Your security and compliance team can review the updates before they are shared with buyers.

With Vendor Insights, you manage access to your product’s security profile by approving the buyer’s subscription requests. When a buyer requests access, Vendor Insights shares their contact information over email to your compliance or deal-desk operations team. They can complete the NDA with the buyer and notify AWS Marketplace to grant the buyer access to your security profile. You can also request AWS Marketplace to revoke the buyer’s subscription on a later day if you don’t want to share your product’s security and compliance posture information with the buyer anymore.

The entire process is documented in the AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights seller guide.

Pricing and Availability
Vendor Insights is now available in all AWS Regions where AWS Marketplace is available.

The pricing model is very simple; there is no charge involved for using AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights.

For buyers, you can access and download assets during your procurement phase. You lose access to the Vendor Insights profile if you have not purchased the product after 60 days. When you purchase the product, you keep access to the product’s security profile for continuous monitoring of its compliance status.

For sellers, AWS Marketplace doesn’t charge to activate and use Vendor Insights. You will incur fees for using Audit Manager and AWS Config.

Go and start your risk assessments on the AWS Marketplace today.

— seb

Announcing Additional Data Connectors for Amazon AppFlow

Gathering insights from data is a more effective process if that data isn’t fragmented across multiple systems and data stores, whether on premises or in the cloud. Amazon AppFlow provides bidirectional data integration between on-premises systems and applications, SaaS applications, and AWS services. It helps customers break down data silos using a low- or no-code, cost-effective solution that’s easy to reconfigure in minutes as business needs change.

Today, we’re pleased to announce the addition of 22 new data connectors for Amazon AppFlow, including:

  • Marketing connectors (e.g., Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads).
  • Connectors for customer service and engagement (e.g., MailChimp, Sendgrid, Zendesk Sell or Chat, and more).
  • Business operations (Stripe, QuickBooks Online, and GitHub).

In total, Amazon AppFlow now supports over 50 integrations with various different SaaS applications and AWS services. This growing set of connectors can be combined to enable you to achieve 360 visibility across the data your organization generates. For instance, you could combine CRM (Salesforce), e-commerce (Stripe), and customer service (ServiceNow, Zendesk) data to build integrated analytics and predictive modeling that can guide your next best offer decisions and more. Using web (Google Analytics v4) and social surfaces (Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads) allows you to build comprehensive reporting for your marketing investments, helping you understand how customers are engaging with your brand. Or, sync ERP data (SAP S/4HANA) with custom order management applications running on AWS. For more information on the current range of connectors and integrations, visit the Amazon AppFlow integrations page.

Datasource connectors for Amazon AppFlow

Amazon AppFlow and AWS Glue Data Catalog
Amazon AppFlow has also recently announced integration with the AWS Glue Data Catalog to automate the preparation and registration of your SaaS data into the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Previously, customers using Amazon AppFlow to store data from supported SaaS applications into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) had to manually create and run AWS Glue Crawlers to make their data available to other AWS services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon SageMaker, or Amazon QuickSight. With this new integration, you can populate AWS Glue Data Catalog with a few clicks directly from the Amazon AppFlow configuration without the need to run any crawlers.

To simplify data preparation and improve query performance when using analytics engines such as Amazon Athena, Amazon AppFlow also now enables you to organize your data into partitioned folders in Amazon S3. Amazon AppFlow also automates the aggregation of records into files that are optimized to the size you specify. This increases performance by reducing processing overhead and improving parallelism.

You can find more information on the AWS Glue Data Catalog integration in the recent What’s New post.

Getting Started with Amazon AppFlow
Visit the Amazon AppFlow product page to learn more about the service and view all the available integrations. To help you get started, there’s also a variety of videos and demos available and some sample integrations available on GitHub. And finally, should you need a custom integration, try the Amazon AppFlow Connector SDK, detailed in the Amazon AppFlow documentation. The SDK enables you to build your own connectors to securely transfer data between your custom endpoint, application, or other cloud service to and from Amazon AppFlow‘s library of managed SaaS and AWS connectors.

— Steve

New Amazon FinSpace Simplifies Data Management and Analytics for Financial Services

Managing data is the core of the Financial Services Industry (FSI). I worked for private banking and fund management companies and helped analysts to collect, aggregate, and analyze hundreds of petabytes of data from internal data sources, such as portfolio management, order management, and accounting systems, but also from external data sources, such as real-time market feeds and historical equities pricing and alternative data systems. During that period, I spent my time trying to access data across organizational silos, to manage permissions, and to build systems to automate recurring tasks in ever-growing and more complex environments.

Today, we are launching a solution that would have reduced the time I spent on such projects: Amazon FinSpace is a data management and analytics solution purpose-built for the financial services industry. Amazon FinSpace reduces the time it takes to find and prepare data from months to minutes so analysts can spend more time on analysis.

What Our Customers Told Us
Before data can be combined and analyzed, analysts spend weeks or months to find and access data across multiple departments, each specialized by market, instrument, or geography. In addition to this logical segregation, data is also physically isolated in different IT systems, file systems, or networks. Because access to data is strictly controlled by governance and policy, analysts must prepare and explain access requests to the compliance department. This is a very manual, ad-hoc process.

Once granted access, they often must perform computational logic (such as Bollinger Bands, Exponential Moving Average, or Average True Range) on larger and larger datasets to prepare data for analysis or to derive information out of the data. These computations often run on servers with constrained capacity, as they were not designed to handle the size of workloads in the modern financial world. Even server-side systems are struggling to scale up and keep up with the ever-growing size of the datasets they need to store and analyze.

How Amazon FinSpace Helps
Amazon FinSpace removes the undifferentiated heavy lifting required to store, prepare, manage, and audit access to data. It automates the steps involved in finding data and preparing it for analysis. Amazon FinSpace stores and organizes data using industry and internal data classification conventions. Analysts connect to the Amazon FinSpace web interface to search for data using familiar business terms (“S&P500,” “CAC40,” “private equity funds in euro”).

Analysts can prepare their chosen datasets using a built-in library of more than 100 specialized functions for time series data. They can use the integrated Jupyter notebooks to experiment with data, and parallelize these financial data transformations at the scale of the cloud in minutes. Finally, Amazon FinSpace provides a framework to manage data access and to audit who is accessing what data and when. It tracks usage of data and generates compliance and audit reports.

Amazon FinSpace also makes it easy to work on historical data. Let’s imagine I built a model to calculate credit risk. This model relies on interest rate and inflation rate. These two rates get updated frequently. The risk level associated with a customer is not the same today as it was a few months ago, when inflation and interest rates were different. When data analysts are looking at data as it is now and as it was in the past, they call it bitemporal modeling. Amazon FinSpace makes it easy to go back in time and to compare how models are evolving alongside multiple dimensions.

To show you how Amazon FinSpace works, let’s imagine I have a team of analysts and data scientists and I want to provide them a tool to search, prepare, and analyze data.

How to Create an Amazon FinSpace Environment
As an AWS account administrator, I create a working environment for my team of financial analysts. This is a one-time setup.

I navigate to the Amazon FinSpace console and click Create Environment:

FinSpace Create environment

I give my environment a name. I select a KMS encryption key that will serve to encrypt data at rest. Then I choose either to integrate with AWS Single Sign-On or to manage usernames and passwords in Amazon FinSpace. AWS Single Sign-On integration allows your analysts to authenticate with external systems, such as a corporate Active Directory, to access the Amazon FinSpace environment. For this example, I choose to manage the credentials by myself.

FinSpace create environment details

I create a superuser who will have administration permission on the Amazon FinSpace environment. I click Add Superuser:

Finspace create super user 1Finspace create super user 2I take a note of the temporary password. I copy the text of the message to send to my superuser. This message includes the connection instructions for the initial connection to the environment.

The superuser has permission to add other users and to manage these users’ permissions in the Amazon FinSpace environment itself.

Finally, and just for the purpose of this demo, I choose to import an initial dataset. This allows me to start with some data in the environment. Doing so is just a single click in the console. The storage cost of this dataset is $41.46 / month and I can delete it at any time.

Under Sample data bundles, Capital Markets sample data, I click Install dataset. This can take several minutes, so it’s a good time to stand up, stretch your legs, and grab a cup of coffee.

FinSpace install sample dataset

How to Use an Amazon FinSpace Environment
In my role as financial analyst, my AWS account administrator sends me an email containing a URL to connect to my Amazon FinSpace Environment along with the related credentials. I connect to the Amazon FinSpace environment.

A couple of points are worth noting on the welcome page. First, on the top right side, I click the gear icon to access the environment settings. This is where I can add other users and manage their permissions. Second, you can browse the different data by categories on the left side, or search for specific terms by typing your search query on the search bar on top of the screen, and refine your search on the left side.

I can use Amazon FinSpace as my data hub. Data are fed through the API or I can load data directly from my workstation. I use tags to describe datasets. Datasets are containers for data; changes are versioned and I can create historical views of data or use the auto-updating data view that Amazon FinSpace maintains for me.

For this demo, let’s imagine I received a request from a portfolio manager who wants a chart showing realized volatility using 5 minute time bars for AMZN stock. Let me show you how I use the search bar to locate data and then use a notebook to analyze that data.

First, I search my dataset for stock price time bar summary, with 5 min intervals. I type “equity” in the search box. I’m lucky: The first result is the one I want. If needed, I could have refined the results using the facets on the left.

finspace search equity

Once I find the dataset, I explore its description, the schema, and other information. Based on these, I decide if this is the correct dataset to answer my portfolio manager’s request.

finspace dataset details


I click Analyze in notebook to start a Jupyter notebook where I’ll be able to further explore the data with PySpark. Once the notebook is open, I first check it is correctly configured to use the Amazon FinSpace PySpark kernel (starting the kernel takes 5-8 minutes).

Finspace select kernel

I click “play” on the first code box to connect to the Spark cluster.

finspace connect to cluster

To analyze my dataset and answer the specific question from my PM, I need to type a bit of PySpark code. For the purpose of this demo, I am using sample code from the Amazon FinSpace GitHub repository. You can upload the Notebook to your environment. Click the up arrow as shown on the top left of the screen above to select the file from your local machine.

This notebook pulls data from the Amazon FinSpace catalog “US Equity Time-Bar Summary” data I found earlier, and then uses the Amazon FinSpace built-in analytic function realized_volatility() to compute realized volatility for a group of tickers and exchange event types.

Before creating any graph, let’s have a sense of the dataset. What is the time range of the data ? What tickers are in this dataset ? I answer these questions with simple select() or groupby() functions provided by Amazon FinSpace. I prepare my FinSpaceAnalyticsAnalyser class with the code below :

from import FinSpaceAnalyticsManager
finspace = FinSpaceAnalyticsManager(spark = spark, endpoint=hfs_endpoint)

sumDF = finspace.read_data_view(dataset_id = dataset_id, data_view_id = view_id)

Once done, I can start to explore the dataset:
finspace analysis 1

I can see there are 561778 AMZN trades and price quotes between Oct. 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020.

To plot the realized volatility, I use Panda to plot the values:

finspace plot realized volatility code

When I execute this code block, I receive:

finspace plot realized volatility graph


Similarly, I can start a Bollinger Bands analysis to check if the volatility spike created an oversold condition on the AMZN stock. I am also using Panda to plot the values.

finspace plot bollinger bandcode

and generate this graph:

finspace plot realized volatility bolinger graph


I am ready to answer the portfolio manager’s question. But why was there a spike on Jan 30 2020 ? The answer is in the news: “Amazon soars after huge earnings beat.” 🙂

Availability and Pricing
Amazon FinSpace is available today in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and Canada (Central).

As usual, we charge you only for the resources your project uses. Pricing is based on three dimensions: the number of analysts with access to the service, the volume of data ingested, and the compute hours used to apply your transformations. Detailed pricing information is available on the service pricing page.

Give it a try today and let us know your feedback.

— seb