When I grow up I want to be? Dancer or a veterinarian
Happiest memories: Tearing up the dance floor at weddings and playing soccer in the streets of Lima, Peru
Previous Job roles : Mopped floors for McDonalds, packed boxes at an Avon warehouse, Manager at Olive Garden, Beer taster/server and then dove into tech and security
What’s the smallest variety of CHERI?
The Portmeirion project is a collaboration between Microsoft Research Cambridge, Microsoft Security Response Center, and Azure Silicon Engineering & Solutions. Over the past year, we have been exploring how to scale the key ideas from CHERI down to tiny cores on the scale of the cheapest microcontrollers. These cores are very different from the desktop and server-class processors that have been the focus of the Morello project.
Vulnerability Fixed in Azure Synapse Spark
Summary Summary Microsoft takes a proactive approach to continually probe our defenses, hunt for vulnerabilities, and seek new, innovative ways to protect our customers. Security researchers are an important part of this effort, and our collaborative partnership is critical in a world where cybersecurity attacks continue to grow in number and sophistication.
Azure Synapse Spark で修正された脆弱性について
本ブログは、Vulnerability Fixed in Azure Synapse Spark の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してください。 概
1年間のバグ報奨金プログラム レビュー: 報奨金 $13.7M
本ブログは、Microsoft Bug Bounty Programs Year in Review: $13.7M in Rewards の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してください。 Microsoft
Microsoft Bug Bounty Programs Year in Review: $13.7M in Rewards
The Microsoft Bug Bounty Programs and partnerships with the global security research community are important parts of Microsoft’s holistic approach to defending customers against security threats. Our bounty programs incentivize security research in high-impact areas to stay ahead of the ever-changing security landscapes, emerging technology, and new threats. Security Researchers help us secure millions of customers by discovering and reporting vulnerabilities to Microsoft through Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure.
セキュリティ更新プログラム ガイドの通知システム : 今すぐプロファイルを作成しましょう
本ブログは、Security Update Guide Notification System News: Create your profile now の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してください。 セキ
Microsoft Office、2022年8月からシンボルを公開
本ブログは、Microsoft Office to publish symbols starting August 2022 の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してください。 Microsoft Office が
Security Update Guide Notification System News: Create your profile now
Sharing information through the Security Update Guide (SUG) is an important part of our ongoing effort to help customers manage security risks and keep systems protected. In January 2022 we introduced Phase One of a new way for customers to receive email notifications about new Microsoft product security content using any email address, not just a Microsoft account, or Live ID as it is sometimes known.