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Randomizing the KUSER_SHARED_DATA Structure on Windows – Microsoft Security Response Center
Category: Uncategorized
Exploring a New Class of Kernel Exploit Primitive
The security landscape is dynamic, changing often and as a result, attack surfaces evolve. MSRC receives a wide variety of cases spanning different products, bug types and exploit primitives. One particularly interesting primitive we see is an arbitrary kernel pointer read. These often happen when kernel mode code does not validate that pointers read from attacker-controlled input actually point to the user-mode portion of the Virtual Address Space (VAS).
CVE-2022-23278 Microsoft Defender for Endpointのなりますましの脆弱性に関するガイダンス
本ブログは、Guidance for CVE-2022-23278 spoofing in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してください。 マイク
Guidance for CVE-2022-23278 spoofing in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Microsoft released a security update to address CVE-2022-23278 in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. This important class spoofing vulnerability impacts all platforms. We wish to thank Falcon Force for the collaboration on addressing this issue through coordinated vulnerability disclosure.
Cybercriminals are looking for any opening to tamper with security protections in order to blind, confuse, or often shut off customer defenses.
Disclosure of Vulnerability in Azure Automation Managed Identity Tokens
On December 10, 2021, Microsoft mitigated a vulnerability in the Azure Automation service. Azure Automation accounts that used Managed Identitiestokens for authorization and an Azure Sandbox for job runtime and execution were exposed. Microsoft has not detected evidence of misuse of tokens.
Microsoft has notified customers with affected Automation accounts. Microsoft recommends following the security best practices herefor the Azure Automation service
ウクライナにおけるサイバー脅威アクティビティ: 分析とリソース
本ブログは、Cyber threat activity in Ukraine: analysis and resources – Microsoft Security Response Center の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してください。 2022 年
Cyber threat activity in Ukraine: analysis and resources
UPDATE 27 Apr 2022: See Updated malware details and Microsoft security product detections below as discussed in the Special Report: Ukraine.
UPDATE 02 MAR 2022: See Updated malware details and Microsoft security product detections below for additional insights and protections specific to the evolving threats we have identified impacting organizations with ties to Ukraine.
Researcher Spotlight: Cyber Viking Nate Warfield is Here to Help
“There are few jobs where I can say, I make two billion people more secure on the internet every single day.”
Childhood Look: Goth kid, all in black
Current Look: Cyber Viking
Childhood hobby: Head banging to Metallica, Marilyn Manson, and Guns N’ Roses
Current hobby: n0x08 DJ’s Live events around the world.