This release includes quality improvements.
Category: Uncategorized
Azure ADを使用するマルチテナント アプリケーションの承認に関する構成ミスの可能性に関するガイダンス
本ブログは、Guidance on Potential Misconfiguration of Authorization of Multi-Tenant Applications that use Azure AD の抄訳版です。最新の情報は原文を参照してください
Azure HDInsight for Apache Kafka 3.2.0 is now available for public preview.
Azure HDInsight for Apache Kafka 3.2.0 now available for public preview and ready for production workloads.
Generally available: Mount Azure Files and ephemeral storage in Azure Container Apps
Persist data in Azure Container Apps via mounted volumes.
Azure Maps is now HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant
Azure Maps ensures HIPAA compliance is achieved for protected health information (PHI), such as geocoding patient home addresses.
Public Preview: Simplified flush operation for caches using active geo-replication
Flush all data from active geo-replicated caches using portal, PowerShell, or CLI
Public Preview: In-place scaling for enterprise caches
Scale enterprise caches up or out without disrupting the operation of the current cache using in-place scaling.
Public preview: AKS support for Kubernetes 1.26 release
You can now try out Kubernetes v1.26 features with Azure Kubernetes Service
Public Preview: Storage in-place sharing in Microsoft Purview in additional regions
Storage in-place data sharing with Microsoft Purview public preview is now supported for Azure Data Lake Gen2 and Blob storage accounts in East US, East US2, North Europe, Southcentral US, West Central US, West Europe, West US, West US2